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*Groups of cells with abundant clear cytoplasm.
*Groups of cells with abundant clear cytoplasm.
**Arranged in cords, trabeculae or clusters.
**Arranged in cords, trabeculae or clusters.
**Minimal [[nuclear pleomorphism]].<ref name=pmid7506496/>
*Hyalinized stroma.
*Hyalinized stroma.
*Clear cytoplasm due to glycogen.<ref name=pmid7506496>{{Cite journal  | last1 = Milchgrub | first1 = S. | last2 = Gnepp | first2 = DR. | last3 = Vuitch | first3 = F. | last4 = Delgado | first4 = R. | last5 = Albores-Saavedra | first5 = J. | title = Hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma of salivary gland. | journal = Am J Surg Pathol | volume = 18 | issue = 1 | pages = 74-82 | month = Jan | year = 1994 | doi =  | PMID = 7506496 }}</ref>
*Low mitotic rate.


Revision as of 15:13, 29 December 2011

The salivary glands help digest food. ENT surgeons take 'em out and want you to diagnose 'em. Cytopathology of the salivary glands is covered in the Head and neck cytopathology article.


Types of salivary glands

Types of glands:[1]

  1. Serrous - eosinophilic cytoplasmic granules, acinar arrangement - vaguely resembles the acinar morphology of the pancreas.
  2. Mucinous - light eosinophilic staining.

Identifying the glands

The three main glands:

  1. Parotid:
    • Serous glands - lower viscosity, acini (lobules).[2]
    • Most tumours in this gland are benign.
  2. Submandibular:
    • Serous and mucinous glands.
      • Serous ~90% of gland.
      • Mucinous ~10% of gland.
    • Serous demilunes = mucinous gland with "cap" consisting of a serous glandular component.
  1. Sublingual:
    • Mucinous glands.


  • Adipose tissue is found between the glands.
    • It increases with age.


Memory devices:

  • The parotid gland vaguely resembles the pancreas.
  • Submandibular = glands are mixed.


Benign tumours

Tabular form - adapted from Thompson[5]

Architecture Morphology Cell borders Cytoplasm Nucleus DDx Other Image
Pleomorphic adenoma var. mixed pop.; must include: (1) myoepithelium, (2) epithelium (ductal cells), (3) chondromyxoid stroma var. var. (1) plasmacytoid adenoid cystic carcinoma occ. encapsulated,
mixed pop. of glandular,
myoepithelial and mesenchymal cells
Warthin tumour papillary,
cuboid (basal), columnar (apical) clearly seen eosinophilic, abundant unremarkable sebaceous lymphadenoma AKA papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum (WP), (WP)
Basal cell adenoma var., islands surrounded
by hyaline bands
basaloid subtle scant,
granular basal cell adenocarcinoma - -
Canalicular adenoma chains of cells cuboid or columnar subtle scant,
granular basal cell adenoma exclusively oral cavity, 80% in upper lip; IHC: p63- -
Sialoblastoma var., islands surrounded
by loose fibrous stroma
basaloid subtle scant, hyperch. granular basal cell adenoca - -

Malignant tumours

Tabular form - adapted from Thompson[6]

Entity Architecture Morphology Cell borders Cytoplasm Nucleus DDx Other Image
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma cystic & solid epithelioid distinct fuffy, clear,
nuclei sm. SCC (?) IHC: p63+ (WC)
Adenoid cystic carcinoma (AdCC) pseudocysts,
cribriform, solid,
hyaline stroma
epithelioid subtle scant,
pleomorphic adenoma, PLGA Stains: PAS+ (pseudocyst material), CD117+, cyclin D1+ (WC)
Acinic cell carcinoma (AcCC) sheets, acinar (islands) epithelioid clear granular abundant stippled, +/-occ. nucleoli ? Stains: PAS +ve, PAS-D +ve; IHC: S-100 -ve, p63 -ve (WC)
Salivary duct carcinoma glandular, cribriform columnar subtle/clear hyperchromatic columnar metastatic breast carcinoma similar to ductal
breast carcinoma; male>female
Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma variable, often small
nests, may be targetoid
epithelioid indistinct eosinophilic ovoid & small with
small nucleoli
AdCC minor salivary gland tumour,
often in palate,
cytologically monotonous; IHC: S100+, CK+, vim.+, GFAP+/-, BCL2+/-
Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma nests (myoepithelial) with tubules (epithelial) epithelioid not distinct eosinophilic cytoplasm; epithelial: scant; myoepithelial: moderate focal clearing AdCC, pleomorphic adenoma rare (WC)



Benign parotid tumours

Oncocytic tumours

Clear cell tumours

IHC overview


  • Usually has limited value.


  • Luminal markers: CK7, CK19, CAM5.2 (LMWK).
  • Basal markers: p63, HMWK, CK14.
  • Myoepithelial markers: calponin, actin.
  • Uncommitted: S-100.


  • p63 and S-100 are sometimes call myoepithelial.


General DDx:

  • Inflammation.
  • Neoplasm.
  • Ductal obstrution.

Chronic sialadenitis





  • Fibrosis.
  • Non-neoplastic mononuclear inflammatory infiltrate.




  • Benign.



  • Ball of mucous.


Pleomorphic adenoma

  • Abbreviated PA.



  • Very common - approx. 60% of parotid gland tumours.[8]
  • May transform into a malignant tumour.
    • Other benign salivary gland tumours do not do this.
  • Only benign childhood salivary gland tumour of significance.

Weinreb's dictums

  1. Most common salivary tumour in all age groups.
  2. Seen in all sites (unlike other benign tumours).
  3. Recurrence and malignancy risk (unlike other benign salivary gland tumours).
  4. Any part of a tumour that looks like PA makes it a PA.


  • May be cartilaginous appearing.



  • Proliferation of myoepithelium and epithelium (ductal cells) in mesenchymal stroma.
    • Cells in ducts = epithelial.
    • Cells not in ducts = myoepithelial.[9]
  • Mesenchymal stroma - important feature.
    • May be any of following: myxoid, mucochondroid, hyalinized, osseous, fatty.
      • Chondroid = specific for PA; can diagnose PA without an epithelial (ductal) component if chondroid is present.
      • Myxoid = not specific for PA.


  • Mesenchymal stroma not required for diagnosis -- if >5% ducts.[10]
  • Complete excision is often elusive; stating "completely excised" on a surgical pathology report is unwise.
  • Look for, i.e. rule-out, poorly differentiated carcinoma: carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma.

Memory device: MEC = myoepithelium, epithelium, chondromyxoid stroma.


  • S-100 +ve, SMA +ve, GFAP +ve.



  • Usually benign.
    • May be malignant.


  • Parotid gland ~50%.
  • Palate ~25%
  • Submandibular gland ~12%.


  • First described in 1972.[12]



  • Myoepithelial cells - may be:
    • Spindled.
    • Plasmacytoid.
    • Epithelioid.
    • Clear (rare).
  • Lack tubules, i.e. epithelial component.
    • May be up to 10% (or 5%[14]).





  • S100 +ve.
  • GFAP +ve.
  • CK14 +ve.


  • SMA +ve.
  • Calponin +ve.

Basal cell adenoma


  • ~2% of salivary gland tumours.
  • May be multifocal.
  • Usu. parotid gland, occasionally submandibular gland.
  • Female:male = ~2:1.
  • May be seen in association with dermal cylindromas in the context of a genetic mutation.
  • Malignant transformation - rarely.



  1. Basal component.
    • Basophilic cells - key feature.
    • Usu. in nests.
    • Large basophilic nucleus.
    • Minimal-to-moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm.
  2. Stromal cells.
    • Plump spindle cells without significant nuclear atypia - distinguishing feature.
      • Stromal cell nuclei width ~= diameter RBC.
    • Dense hyaline stroma.
  3. Tubular component.
    • Within basal component, may be minimal.
  4. Lesion is encapsulated.


  • No chondromyxoid stroma.
  • Neoplastic cells embedded in stroma ("stromal invasion") = basal cell adenocarcinoma.
    • Basal cell adenocarcinoma may be cytologically indistinguishable from basal cell adenoma, i.e. "bad" architecture makes it a basal cell adenocarcinoma.




  • Luminal stains +ve: CK7 +ve, CAM5.2 +ve.
  • p63 +ve -- basal component.
  • S100 +ve -- spindle cells in the stroma.

Canalicular adenoma


  • Exclusively oral cavity.
    • 80% of lesions on upper lip.



  • Channels - "beading of cell".
  • Mucoid/hemorrhagic stroma.


  • Basal cell adenoma.


  • p63 -ve.
    • Basal cell adenoma p63 +ve.

Warthin tumour

  • AKA papillary cystadenoma lymphomatosum.



  • May be multicentric ~ 15% of the time.
  • May be bilateral ~10% of the time.
  • Classically: male > female -- changing with more women smokers.
  • Smokers.
  • Old - usu. 60s, very rarely < 40 years old.


  • No malignant transformation.
  • Not in submandibular gland.
  • Not in sublingual gland.
  • Not in children.


  • Motor-oil like fluid.
  • Cystic component larger in larger lesions.
    • Small lesions may be solid.



  • Papillae (nipple-shaped structures) with a two rows of pink (eosinophilic) epithelial cells (with cuboidal basal cells and columnar luminal cells) -- key feature.
  • Fibrous capsule - pink & homogenous on H&E stain.
  • Cystic space filled with debris in situ (not necrosis).
  • Lymphoid stroma.


  • +/-Squamous differentiation.
  • +/-Goblet cell differentiation.


  • Lymphoepithelial cyst.
    • Cyst within a lymph node.


Sebaceous adenoma

Sebaceous lymphadenoma


  • Rare salivary gland tumour.[17]
  • Benign.



  • Sebaceous glands within lymphoid tissue - key feature.





  • No risk of malignant transformation.
  • ~1% of all salivary gland tumours.
  • Typical age: 60s-80s.
  • Associated with radiation exposure.
  • Major salivary glands - usu. parotid gland.


  • Golden brown appearance.



  • Like oncocytomas elsewhere.
    • Eosinophilic cytoplasm (on H&E stain).
      • Due to increased number of mitochrondria.
    • Fine capillaries.


  • May have clear cell change.
  • Multiple small incidental lesions = oncocytosis - not oncocytoma.


  • p63 +ve focally in nucleus.


One approach:

  • Differentiate -- luminal vs. myoepithelial vs. basal (mucoepideroid).

Mucoepidermoid carcinoma

  • Abbreviated MEC.


  • Most common malignant neoplasm of salivary gland in all age groups.
  • Female:male ~= 3:2.
  • Site: parotid > submandibular.


  • Cystic or solid, usu. a mix of both.



  • Architecture:[19]
    • Cystic (low grade).
    • Solid (high grade).
  • Mucous cells with abundant fluffy cytoplasm and large mucin vacuoles - key feature.
    • Nucleus distorted by mucin vacuole.
    • Mucous cell may be scarce - more difficult to diagnose.
  • Epidermoid cells:
    • Non-keratinized, polygonal squamoid cell with clear or oncocytic cytoplasm.
      • Clear cells contain glycogen (PAS +ve, PAS-D -ve).


  • The classic description - composed of 3 cell types: epidermoid, intermediate, and mucin producing.[20]
    • "Intermediate cells" are described in textbooks. Weinreb thinks they are a pretty much a myth.[21]
  • Mucin vacuoles may be rare; in a superficial glance -- it may mimic squamous cell carcinoma.
  • The thought of high-grade MEC should prompt consideration of squamous cell carcinoma.



  • Conventional.
  • Oncocytic.
    • Definition: composed of 50% oncocytes.
    • Good outcome.[22]
  • Clear cell.
  • Unicystic (cystadenocarcinoma).
    • Based on the gross. (???)
  • Sclerosing MEC +/- eosinophilia.
    • Rare.



  • Two competing system exist:


  • Both systems have their pros and cons.
  • Weinreb uses the AFIP system with a slight modification.
  1. Low cystic content <20%) - 2 points.
  2. Perineural invasion - 2 points.
  3. Necrosis - 3 points.
  4. Mitoses > 4 per 10 HPFs (HPF not defined in paper - see HPFitis) - 3 points.
  5. Anaplasia - 4 points.


  • Low grade = 0-4 points.
  • Intermediate grade = 5-6 points.
  • High grade = 7+ points.
Weinreb modification

Weinreb looks for the following:

  • Tumour invades in small nests/islands - 2 points.
    • If applicable, the two points are added to the AFIP score.
    • The tumour is graded using the AFIP (scoring) cut points -- see above.


Mucous cells:

  • Alcian blue +ve.
  • Mucicarcmine +ve.


  • t(11;19)(q21;p13) -- MECT1-MAML2 fusion.[25][26]
    • Present in ~65% of MECs.
    • Presence assoc. with low-grade MEC (vs. high-grade MEC) & favourable prognosis.
    • Not seen in tumours that are in the DDx of MEC.

Acinic cell carcinoma

  • Abbreviated AcCC.
  • AKA acinic cell adenocarcinoma.


  • Malignant neoplasm of salivary gland arising from acinic cells.
  • The relative prevalence of the neoplasm in the various salivary gland reflects the abundance of acinic cells: parotid gland (~80%) > minor salivary glands (~17%) > submandibular glands (~3%).
  • Affects wide age range -- including children.
  • Site affect prognosis (most aggressive to least aggressive): submandibular > parotid > minor salivary.


  • Tan or reddish.



  • Sheets of acinic cells with:
    • Abundant finely vacuolated cytoplasm with basophilic granules key feature.
      • Granules may be focal.
    • Small nuclei stippled chromatin.
  • Scattered intercalcated duct type cells with:
    • Eosinophilic cytoplasm with moderate amount of cytoplasm.
    • Bland nuclei with slightly larger than seen in acinic cells.
  • +/-Peri-tumoural lymphocytes.
  • +/-Glassy extracellular bluish/purple blobs.


  • Adipose tissue -- present in the salivary glands -- is absent in AcCC.
  • May focally resemble thyroid tissue.
  • Smaller (characteristic) microvacuoles (unreported in the literature) may be present that have a bubbly appearance and glassy basophilic inclusions.[27]

Memory device:

  • AcCC - lots of "C"s - chromatin stipled, cytoplasm generous.




  • Not prognostic.
  • Done to avoid phone calls from clinician.

Factors Weinreb uses:[28]

  • Necrosis.
  • Nuclear atypia.
  • Perineural invasion.
  • Mitoses.
  • Infiltrative margin.
  • Tumour sclerosis.


  • Oncocytic variant - rare.
  • Clear cell variant - rare.
  • Papillary cystic variant.


  • PAS +ve.
  • PAS-D +ve.
  • S-100 -ve.
  • p63 -ve.
    • p63 +ve in mucoepidermoid carcinoma.

There are a bunch of other stains that are touted to be useful (amylase, anti-chymotrypsin, lactoferrin); Weinreb thinks they are not helpful.[29]

Adenoid cystic carcinoma


  • Common malignant neoplasm of salivary gland.
  • AKA cylindroma.[30]
  • Composed of ductal cells and myoepithelial cells; myoepithelial cells > ductal cells.



  • Cribriform architecture or pseudoglandular spaces (classic pattern) - important feature.
    • Other patterns: solid, cords, (bilayered) tubules.
    • Cystic spaces filled with basophilic material (that is PAS +ve) - key feature.
  • Scant cytoplasm in most cells (myoepithelial cells) - clear/eosinophilic.
    • Moderate eosinophilic cytoplasm in the (rare) ductal cells.
  • Nucleus - small.
    • May be angulated (carrot-shaped) - myoepithelial cells; round/ovoid in ductal cells.
  • Hyaline stroma.

Memory device:

  • AdCC - mostly DNA (scant cytoplasm), distinct nucleus (carrot-shaped).





Based on solid component:

  • Low grade = tubules and cribriform structures only; no solid component.
  • Intermediate grade = solid component <30%.
  • High grade = solid component >=30%


Special stains:

  • PAS +ve material - cystic spaces.[31]


  • CD117 +ve.
  • Cyclin D1 +ve.
  • Myoepithelial markers (e.g. calponin, actin) +ve.
    • Typically -ve in PLGA.



  • t(6;9) MYB-NFIB.
    • Seen in ~50% of cases.
    • Worse prognosis if present, esp. if fusion assoc. with transcription.

Salivary duct carcinoma


  • Malignant counterpart of salivary duct adenoma.
  • Male:female ~= 4:1.
  • Dismal prognosis.[34]
  • Typically >50 years old.
  • Mostly in the parotid.


Features - resembles ductal breast carcinoma:[34]

  • Architecture: sheets, nests, cords, cribriform, micropapillary.
  • Neoplastic cells line-up around cystic spaces "Roman bridges".
  • Nuclear atypia (variation in size, shape, staining).
  • Apocrine snouts - pseudopod-like/lollipop-like undulations of the cell membrane.
  • Decapitation secretions - apocrine snouts (membrane bound blobs of cytoplasm) that have separated from its mother cell.



  • Similar to ductal breast carcinoma - key to remember.



  • Conventional.
  • Mucinous - worse prognosis; opposite of what would one expect from the outcomes in breast cancer.
  • Micropapillary - assoc. with a poor prognosis.
  • Sarcomatoid/spindle cell.


  • LMWK, EMA, CK7, CK19 +ve.
  • p63 -ve.
  • Androgen receptor +ve.
  • BRST2 (GCDFP-15) +ve.
  • HER2 +ve ~21%; use of trastuzumab (Herceptin) not systematically studied.


  • PSA +/-.
  • PSAP +/-.

Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma

  • Abbreviated PLGA.


  • Almost exclusively in the oral cavity.
    • Classically found in the palate -- 60% of PLGAs in palate.
  • Tumour of the minor salivary glands.
  • Always a low-grade tumour - by definition.
  • Female:male ~= 2:1.
  • Older people ~50-70 years old.



  • Architecture: often small nests, may be targetoid.
    • Classically has whorling with eye-of-storm & single file.
  • Cytologically monotonous (uniform) with variable architecture - key feature.
  • Indistinct cell borders.




  • S100 +ve, CK +ve, vimentin +ve.
  • GFAP +ve/-ve.
  • BCL2 +ve/-ve.
  • Generally negative for myoepithelial markers (calponin, actin) - useful if negative.

Carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma

  • Abbreviated Ca ex PA.



  • Malignant transformation of a pleomorphic adenoma.

Diagnosis (either 1 or 2):

  1. History of a pleomorphic adenoma at the same site.
  2. Features of a pleomorphic adenoma and a carcinoma.


  • Rare.



  • Cells with cytologic features of malignancy.
  • Architecture (any of the following):
    • Glands.
    • Nests.
    • Single cells (may be subtle).

Architectural patterns:

  • Ductal carcinoma NOS (arising from ductal cells) - most common pattern for Ca ex PA.
  • Myoepithelial cacinoma NOS (arising from myoepithelial cells).
  • "Named carcinoma":
    • Salivary duct carcinoma - second most common pattern for Ca ex PA.
    • Mucoepidermoid carcinoma.
    • Adenoid cystic carcinoma.


  • Often adenocarcinoma-like.
  • Myoepithelial cells may be clear cells. (???)


  1. Non-invasive AKA intracapsular AKA in situ.
  2. Minimally invasive <1.5 mm beyond the capsule.
  3. Widely invasive >=1.5 mm beyond the capsule.

Epithelial-myoepithelial carcinoma

  • Abbreviated EMCa.


  • Rare ~1% of salivary gland tumours.[37]
  • Female:male = 1.5:1.[38]
  • Usu. older people - 50s or 60s.
  • Usu. parotid gland ~ 60% of cases.[38]
  • Prognosis: usually good; 5-year and 10-year survival over 90% and 80% respectively.[38]




  • Biphasic tumour:[38]
    1. Epithelial layer.
    2. Myoepithelial layer - key feature.
  • Architecture: variable (solid, cystic, tubular, papillary).
  • +/-Spindle cells.
  • Basement membrane-like material; may mimic adenoid cystic carcinoma.



  • Usu. few mitoses.



  • CAM5.2 +ve -- epithelial component.
  • p63 +ve -- myoepithelial component.

Sebaceous carcinoma

It is similar to the tumour found in the skin.

Hyalinizing clear cell carcinoma

  • Abbreviated HCCC.


  • Rare.
  • Good prognosis.[41]



  • Groups of cells with abundant clear cytoplasm.
  • Hyalinized stroma.


  • Clear cytoplasm due to glycogen.[43]
  • Low mitotic rate.




  • PAS +ve.
  • AE1/AE3 +ve.
  • EMA +ve.[43]



Recurrent translocation:[44]

See also


  1. http://www.lab.anhb.uwa.edu.au/mb140/CorePages/Oral/oral.htm#LABSALIVA
  2. http://www.lab.anhb.uwa.edu.au/mb140/CorePages/Epithelia/Epithel.htm
  3. URL: http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/demilune. Accessed on: 19 August 2011.
  4. URL: http://pathology.mc.duke.edu/research/pth225.html. Accessed on: 19 August 2011.
  5. Thompson, Lester D. R. (2006). Head and Neck Pathology: A Volume in Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology Series (1st ed.). Churchill Livingstone. pp. 295-319. ISBN 978-0443069604.
  6. Thompson, Lester D. R. (2006). Head and Neck Pathology: A Volume in Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology Series (1st ed.). Churchill Livingstone. pp. 325-357. ISBN 978-0443069604.
  7. URL: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/882358-overviewhttp://emedicine.medscape.com/article/882358-overview. Accessed on: 10 January 2011.
  8. Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 Thompson, Lester D. R. (2006). Head and Neck Pathology: A Volume in Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology Series (1st ed.). Churchill Livingstone. pp. 295. ISBN 978-0443069604.
  9. IW. 10 January 2011.
  10. IW. 10 January 2011.
  11. Barnes, L.; Appel, BN.; Perez, H.; El-Attar, AM. (Jan 1985). "Myoepithelioma of the head and neck: case report and review.". J Surg Oncol 28 (1): 21-8. PMID 2982059.
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  13. Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 Tadrous, Paul.J. Diagnostic Criteria Handbook in Histopathology: A Surgical Pathology Vade Mecum (1st ed.). Wiley. pp. 130. ISBN 978-0470519035.
  14. I. Weinreb. 24 October 2011.
  15. Tadrous, Paul.J. Diagnostic Criteria Handbook in Histopathology: A Surgical Pathology Vade Mecum (1st ed.). Wiley. pp. 18. ISBN 978-0470519035.
  16. URL: http://moon.ouhsc.edu/kfung/jty1/Com/Com304-3-Diss.htm. Accessed on: 25 October 2011.
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