Clinical history
57 year old woman. Multi-organ dysfunction and stroke.
Primary image
Pons. Intermediate magnification. H&E stain.
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WBC significantly elevated.
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It looks intravascular and lymphoid.
ExpandAlcian blue/PAS to Bilirubin |
Alcian blue/PAS | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Alican blue pH 1.0 | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Alcian blue pH 2.5 | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Auramine | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Bielchowsky | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Bilirubin | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
ExpandColloidal iron to Fontana-Masson |
Colloidal iron | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Congo red | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Cresyl violet | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Dieterle | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Diff Quik | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Fontana-Masson | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
ExpandGallyas to Gremelius |
Gallyas | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Giemsa | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
GMS | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Gomori's trichrome | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Gram | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Gremelius | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
ExpandJMS to Mucicarmine |
JMS | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Jones | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Kinyoun | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Luxol fast blue | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Masson trichrome | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
M-MAS | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Movat | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Mucicarmine | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
ExpandOil red O to Prussian blue |
Oil red O | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Orecein | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
PAS | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
PASD | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
PASF | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
PTAH | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Prussian blue | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
ExpandReticulin to Ziehl-Neelsen |
Reticulin | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Sudan black B | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Toluidine blue | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Verhoeff | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Von Kossa | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Warthin-Starry | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Ziehl-Neeslen | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
ExpandAlpha-1 AT to Cathepsin K |
alpha-1 AT | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
ACTH | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
AE1/AE1 | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
alpha-fetoprotein | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Alk-I | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
AMACR | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
AR | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
ATRX | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Beta2-microglobulin | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
B72.3 | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Beta-catenin | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
BCL2 | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
BCL6 | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
BCLxL | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
C3 comp | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
CA9 | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Calcitonin | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Calponin | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Calretinin | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
CAM5.2 | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Cathepsin K | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
ExpandPLAP to WT1 |
PLAP | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
PNL-2C | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Prolactin | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
PSA | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
PSAP | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
RCC | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
S-100 | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
SALL4 | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Smooth muscle actin | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Somatostatin | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
STAT6 | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Synaptophysin | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
TdT | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
TFE3 | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
TFEB | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Thyroglobulin | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Toxoplasma | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
TSH | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
TTF-1 | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Ubiquitin | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
UCHL1 (PGP9.5) | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Ulex Europaeus | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
Vimentin | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
VIP | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
VZV | Expand Dr T would ask why! |
WT-1 | Expand Dr T would ask why! |