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Chorionic villi are part of a normal pregnancy. They are derived from the conceptus, i.e. NOT maternal.

Tumours arising from the trophoblast are dealt with in gestational trophoblastic disease.

Chorionic villi 101

  • Maternal blood is around villi.
  • Fetal blood (nucleated (fetal) RBCs) in the villi.

Basic histology

  • Outer layer of villus / closer to mother : syncytiotrophoblasts.
  • Inner layer of villus / closer to fetus : cytotrophoblasts.

Chorionic villi 102

  • Syncytiotrophoblasts (eosinophilic cytoplasm with vacuoles (contain hCG), multiple hyperchromatic nuclei).
    • Large + many irreg. or lobular hyperchromatic nuclei.
    • Eosinophilic vacuolated cytoplasm (contains hCG).
    • Closest to mom - covers cytotrophoblast.[1]
  • Cytotrophoblasts (polygonal shape, distinct borders, clear cytoplasm, in cords, single nucleus).
    • Polygonal shaped cells in cords/masses.
    • Distinct cell borders.
    • Covered by syncytiobrophoblast[2] - closer to fetus than syncytiotrophoblasts.
    • Clear cytoplasm.
    • Single uniform nucleus.

Intermediate trophoblast


  • Abbreviated: IT.


Three subtypes of IT are recognized:[3]

  1. Implanation site IT.
  2. Villous IT.
  3. Chorionic-type IT.



  • Large cells.
  • Eosinophilic cytoplasm.
    • May be multi-nucleated.




  • hPL (human placental lactogen) +ve.
  • beta-hCG -ve.
  • Keratin +ve.
  • EMA +ve in 2nd & 3rd trimester.
  • CD146 +ve.[5]


  • Cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast - keratin +ve.[4]

Age of villi

Young villi

Old villi

  • Blood vessels present and at the periphery of villus - contain nucleated (fetal) RBCs.
  • Syncytial knots.

Trophoblast table

Based on Shih et al.:[3]

Cytotrophoblast Syncytiotrophoblast Villous intermediate
Implanation site
intermediate trophoblast
intermediate trophoblast
Nuclear features round, small multinucleated polyhedral pleomorphic +/-multinucleation
(occasional), +/-nucleoli
round / polyhedral
Cell borders well-defined poorly defined (?) well-defined moderately-defined poorly defined (?)
Cytoplasm minimal, clear to granular abundant, vacuolated abundant & eosinophilic to clear abundant & eosinophilic abundant & eosinophilic
Location villi - deep to
villi - superficial to
cytotrophoblast -
nearest to maternal blood
villi implanatation site chorion
Function stem cell produces hormones ??? anchor placenta ???
IHC beta-hCG ??? beta-hCG ??? inhibin+, hPL+, beta-hCG-[4] ???
Image ST ([6] CT ([6] (WC)

hPL = human placental lactogen.


  • Keratin is positive in all trophoblastic tissue and negative in decidual tissue.[4]

Villi and age - table

Gestational age Nucleated RBCs Cytotrophoblast /
Villi size Vessels Other
First trimester present both can be identified large few; location central
Second trimester rare cytotrophoblast difficult to identify; syncytial knots uncommon intermediate intermediate; location: central/periphery
Third trimester absent cytotrophoblast indistinct; syncytial knots common small abundant; location: periphery of villi focal calcifications

See also


  3. Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 Shih IM, Kurman RJ (January 2001). "The pathology of intermediate trophoblastic tumors and tumor-like lesions". Int. J. Gynecol. Pathol. 20 (1): 31–47. PMID 11192071.
  4. Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Yeh IT, O'Connor DM, Kurman RJ (May 1990). "Intermediate trophoblast: further immunocytochemical characterization". Mod. Pathol. 3 (3): 282–7. PMID 1694585.
  5. URL: Accessed on: 14 August 2011.
  6. Jump up to: 6.0 6.1 URL: Accessed on: 13 August 2011.

External links