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Diagnosis in short

Seminoma. H&E stain.

LM fried egg-like cells (clear or eosinophilic cytoplasm, central nucleus), lymphocytic infiltrate (common), +/-syncytiotrophoblasts (rare), +/-granulomas (uncommon)
LM DDx embryonal carcinoma, ITGCN, mixed germ cell tumour, granulomatous orchitis
IHC OCT3/4 +ve, PLAP +ve, D2-40 +ve, CD30 -ve
Site testis

Associated Dx ITGCN
Signs testicular mass, +/-retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy
Blood work LDH elevated, beta-hCG elevated (not common)
Prognosis good
Clin. DDx other testicular tumours (germ cell tumours, lymphoma)

Seminoma is a common testicular germ cell tumour.

It should not be confused with the unrelated tumour called spermatocytic seminoma.



  • Elevated serum LDH.
  • Normal serum alpha fetoprotein.
  • Usually normal beta-hCG.


  • Rarely, it may present a retroperitoneal mass.[1]

Epidemiology & etiology



  • Cells with fried egg appearance - key feature:
    • Clear cytoplasm.
    • Central nucleus, with prominent nucleolus.
      • Nucleus may have "corners", i.e. it is not round.
  • +/-Lymphoctyes - interspersed (very common).
  • +/-Syncytiotrophoblasts, AKA syncytiotrophoblastic giant cells (STGCs),[2] present in ~10-20% of seminoma.[3]
    • Large + irregular, vesicular nuclei.
    • Eosinophilic vacuolated cytoplasm (contains hCG).
      • Syncytiotrophoblasts = closest to mom in normal chorionic villi - covers cytotrophoblast.[4]
  • +/-Florid granulomatous reaction.

Memory device: 3 Cs - clear cytoplasm, central nucleus, corners on the nuclear membrane.




  • D2-40 +ve ~100% of cases.[7]
  • CD117 +ve (ckit) ~92% of cases.[7]
  • CD30 -ve.[8]
  • Cytokeratins usu. -ve, may have weak focal positivity.[8]
  • OCT3/4 +ve.[9]

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The sections show large atypical, discohesive cells with prominent nucleoli, central nuclei and moderate clear cytoplasm, intermixed with mature lymphocytes. Mitotic activity is present.

Small biopsy

A mixed germ cell tumour cannot be excluded; given the small quantity of tumour, this biopsy is at a high risk for having undersampled other tumour components should they be present. Correlation with serology and consideration of re-biopsy is suggested.

See also


  1. Preda, O.; Nicolae, A.; Loghin, A.; Borda, A.; Nogales, FF. (2011). "Retroperitoneal seminoma as a first manifestation of a partially regressed (burnt-out) testicular germ cell tumor.". Rom J Morphol Embryol 52 (1): 193-6. PMID 21424055.
  2. Zhou, Ming; Magi-Galluzzi, Cristina (2006). Genitourinary Pathology: A Volume in Foundations in Diagnostic Pathology Series (1st ed.). Churchill Livingstone. pp. 542. ISBN 978-0443066771.
  3. URL: Accessed on: 22 May 2012.
  4. URL: Accessed on: 31 May 2010.
  5. URL: Accessed on: March 8, 2010.
  6. Hedinger, C.; von Hochstetter, AR.; Egloff, B. (Jul 1979). "Seminoma with syncytiotrophoblastic giant cells. A special form of seminoma.". Virchows Arch A Pathol Anat Histol 383 (1): 59-67. PMID 157614.
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 Lau, SK.; Weiss, LM.; Chu, PG. (Mar 2007). "D2-40 immunohistochemistry in the differential diagnosis of seminoma and embryonal carcinoma: a comparative immunohistochemical study with KIT (CD117) and CD30.". Mod Pathol 20 (3): 320-5. doi:10.1038/modpathol.3800749. PMID 17277761.
  8. Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 Cossu-Rocca, P.; Jones, TD.; Roth, LM.; Eble, JN.; Zheng, W.; Karim, FW.; Cheng, L. (Aug 2006). "Cytokeratin and CD30 expression in dysgerminoma.". Hum Pathol 37 (8): 1015-21. doi:10.1016/j.humpath.2006.02.018. PMID 16867864.
  9. Emerson, RE.; Ulbright, TM. (Jun 2010). "Intratubular germ cell neoplasia of the testis and its associated cancers: the use of novel biomarkers.". Pathology 42 (4): 344-55. doi:10.3109/00313021003767355. PMID 20438407.